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General Electricity

At HDR Energie, we believe that electricity is much more than just a convenience. It is the engine that propels our daily lives.


Whether to power homes, businesses or critical infrastructure, our qualified team strives to ensure efficient and secure electrical distribution. We combine years ofexperience the latest technologies to meet the complex challenges of the electricity sector.


We understand the critical importance of providing electrical solutions reliable and suitable to the specific requirements of tertiary environments.

Whether you are a company, an institution, a business or other actor in the tertiary sector, we are here to meet your electrical needs. Our team of specialist experts combine technical know-how and in-depth understanding of the challenges unique to this sector, offering tailor-made solutions to optimize your electrical installations.

From design to maintenance, we are committed to providing you with exceptional quality services. Whether you are looking to improve energy efficiency of your offices or to ensure the continuity of your electrical supply, our expertise is at your service.



You are building a new house, renovating an existing space or are looking to improve energy efficiency of your residence?


We are here to accompany you. Our team offers you tailor-made solutions that meet your specific needs.

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